Dit boek leert u stap voor stap de ontwerptechnieken van 3D CAD in de bouw vanaf de eerste muur tot en met het maken van eigen families. Eerst maakt u kennis met het proces in vogelvlucht. Vervolgens gaat u aan de slag met verschillende componenten als kolommen, liggers, muren, daken en trappen. Ook leert u uw eigen componenten aan te maken. Daarna komt BIM aan bod met ruimtes, samenwerken, BIM basis ILS en het NL-SfB-afsprakenstelsel. Alle lessen zijn geschreven in een prettig leesbare stijl, met veel voorbeelden geïllustreerd en bevatten veel oefeningen. De van oorsprong Nederlandse teksten, tekennormen en regels uit het bouwbesluit zorgen ervoor dat u de juiste kennis opdoet volgens de Nederlandse bouwafspraken. Door de combinatie van theorie, geleide instructie en oefeningen leent het boek zich uitstekend voor zelfstudie.
Deze uitgave over Revit 2024 is verzorgt door auteur en docent Ronald Boeklagen en maakt deel uit van zijn serie Bouw Informatie Modelleren. Naast deze serie biedt de reeks Computer Ondersteund Ontwerpen alles over AutoCAD en Inventor. De ervaren auteur leidt bij het CAD College van TEC in Nijmegen tekenaars en constructeurs op. Tevens verzorgt hij de HBO-opleidingen voor Revit, AutoCAD en Inventor. Hij ontving de Autodesk award ‘Best ATC Instructor of the Benelux’.
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Dit boek leert u stap voor stap alle ontwerptechnieken met Revit 2024. Het is Nederlandstalig en gebruikt Nederlandse afspraken.
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Titel: Revit 2024, Bouw Informatie Modelleren
Auteur: Ir. R. Boeklagen
ISBN: 978-94-92250-65-0, NUR 991
Reliable data analysis lies at the heart of scientific research, helping you to figure out what your data is really telling you. Yet the analysis of data can be a stumbling block for even the most experienced researcher - and can be a particularly daunting prospect when analyzing your own data for the first time. Meer
The book is an exploration of the theoretical, conceptual and methodological foundations of human-centred design. Specifically, it critically examines the notion of 'practice' and argues for an understanding of the concept which emanates from engagement with design problems rather than simply from social scientific theory. Meer
With word processing and the Internet, computing is much more part and parcel of the everyday life of the humanities scholar, but computers can do much more than assist with writing or Internet searching. Meer
Since long before computers were even thought of, data has been collected and organized by diverse cultures across the world. Once access to the Internet became a reality for large swathes of the world's population, the amount of data generated each day became huge, and continues to grow exponentially. Meer
Every Thing Must Go argues that the only kind of metaphysics that can contribute to objective knowledge is one based specifically on contemporary science as it really is, and not on philosophers' a priori intuitions, common sense, or simplifications of science. Meer
Building upon the wide-ranging success of the first edition, Parallel Scientific Computation presents a single unified approach to using a range of parallel computers, from a small desktop computer to a massively parallel computer. Meer
The social sciences are becoming datafied.
The questions once considered the domain of sociologists are now answered by data scientists operating on large datasets and breaking with methodological tradition, for better or worse. Meer
The social sciences are becoming datafied.
The questions once considered the domain of sociologists are now answered by data scientists operating on large datasets and breaking with methodological tradition, for better or worse. Meer
Auction theory is now an important component of an economist's training. The techniques and insights gained from the study of auction theory provide a useful starting point for those who want to venture into the economics of information, mechanism design, and regulatory economics. Meer
This book presents computational interaction as an approach to explaining and enhancing the interaction between humans and information technology. Computational interaction applies abstraction, automation, and analysis to inform our understanding of the structure of interaction and also to inform the design of the software that drives new and exciting human-computer interfaces. Meer
The twelfth volume of this well-known series of review volumes in artificial intelligence covers the following subjects: mechanics of knowledge processing, inductive formation of programs and descriptions, optimality and error in learning systems, qualitative representations of knowledge, and applications and models of knowledge acquisition. Meer
Every Thing Must Go argues that the only kind of metaphysics that can contribute to objective knowledge is one based specifically on contemporary science as it really is, and not on philosophers' a priori intuitions, common sense, or simplifications of science. Meer
The study of network theory is a highly interdisciplinary field, which has emerged as a major topic of interest in various disciplines ranging from physics and mathematics, to biology and sociology. Meer
Fortran marches on, remaining one of the principal programming languages used in high-performance scientific, numerical, and engineering computing. A series of significant revisions to the standard versions of the language have progressively enhanced its capabilities, and the latest standard - Fortran 2018 - includes many additions and improvements. Meer
Fortran marches on, remaining one of the principal programming languages used in high-performance scientific, numerical, and engineering computing. A series of significant revisions to the standard versions of the language have progressively enhanced its capabilities, and the latest standard - Fortran 2018 - includes many additions and improvements. Meer
The first edition of Analysis for Longitudinal Data has become a classic. Describing the statistical models and methods for the analysis of longitudinal data, it covers both the underlying statistical theory of each method, and its application to a range of examples from the agricultural and biomedical sciences. Meer
There's a hidden science that affects every part of your life. You are fluent in its terminology of email, WiFi, social networking, and encryption. You use its results when you make a telephone call, access the Internet, use any factory-produced product, or travel in any modern car. Meer
The emergence of a decentralized, fragmented, and low-cost Internet opened up possibilities for persons with disabilities to lead an independent and inclusive life, which had been denied to them in the physical world. Meer