Keith Ross
- Auteur
Keith W. Ross is hoogleraar informatica aan de Polytechnic University in Brooklyn. Hij is IEEE fellow en heeft in 2008 en 2011 de Best Paper Award for Multimedia Communications gewonnen.
Keith W. Ross is hoogleraar informatica aan de Polytechnic University in Brooklyn. Hij is IEEE fellow en heeft in 2008 en 2011 de Best Paper Award for Multimedia Communications gewonnen.
Keith (University of Gloucestershire, UK and The Fuse School.) Ross
€ 189,15
Boeken van Keith Ross
James Kurose
Keith Ross
Computernetwerken - Een top-downbenadering
Dit boek biedt een top-downbenadering van het vakgebied computernetwerken. De auteurs beginnen met de protocollen van de applicatielaag en daarna komen de protocollen van de lagergelegen lagen in de protocolstack aan bod.
David Harris
Keith Ross
Beginning Algorithms
A good understanding of algorithms, and the knowledge of when to apply them, is crucial to producing software that not only works correctly, but also performs efficiently.
Keith (University of Gloucestershire, UK and The Fuse School.) Ross
Keith Ross
Liz (Senior Lecturer in Education and Life Sciences at the University of Dundee, UK.) Lakin
Liz Lakin
Janet McKechnie
Jim Baker
Teaching Secondary Science
The fourth edition of Teaching Secondary Science has been fully updated and includes a wide range of new material. This invaluable resource offers a new collection of sample lesson plans and includes two new chapters covering effective e-learning and advice on supporting learners with English as a second language.